Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Hello Everyone!


Hello Everyone!

      I'm Trey Lindell, a 36 year old stay at home mom and wife to my family of six! I have experience

 some major losses during the passed nine years. Which has cause me to experience deep depression,

and other issues. I have become a bare minimum mom or you could say a lazy mom even. I don't

want to be a Martha Stewart, but would like to find a happy place somewhere in the middle. I'm

wanting to share my journey to becoming a better me, mom, and wife so maybe I will stay at it. I hope to get motivation from others and hopefully motivate someone who is like me.

      I want to work on putting my self first, and taking care of my self physically and spiritually, 

 making alone time with God more important.  Also I haven't been very girly in last couple of years 

 so I want to work on bringing those beauty habits back in to play cause this face isn't getting any 


     I love to cook! I get in the kitchen and get busy and distress.  With in minutes I am in the zone! So I will be sharing some of my favorite recipes!

     I am photographer and it has been many years since I put any time into my art.  So I hope to put my art to work in this blog. I hope to learn and show new trick and challenges!

     I could say that I am pretty crafty when I try to be.  My Mom got cancer and passed away shorty 

 after starting to teach me to sew.  So with the help of Youtube, other bloggers, and some books she 

gave me, I am teaching myself, I will be sharing my sewing projects also.  I also hope to do kids 

crafts and other crafts too.

     I will also share some of my struggle with my depression and the things I do to work through it.

I will share stories of my loved ones I have lost to help me.


    I hope you stick around to help me through my healing and journey to a better me! 

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